Data protection
In accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data, Plaques Plants informs users of its website that the personal data collected by the company using the forms on your pages sites, will be introduced in an automated file under the responsibility of Plants Plaques, in order to facilitate, expedite and fulfill the commitments made by both parties. Also, Plaques Plants informed of the possibility of exercising rights of access, cancellation, rectificacióny opposition by writing to the address Plaques Plants; C /El Bachiller, n.10, 46010 Valencia - Valencia, Spain. Until us otherwise, we will assume that your data has not been modified, you agree to notify any variation and we have consent to use in order to retain the relationship between the parties.
Intellectual property
The rights of intellectual and industrial property arising from all text, images, and media and styles and fitting of your pages are, by itself or as an assignee, to Plaques Plants. Will, therefore, copyrighted works protected by Spanish law, being subject to rules applicable to both Spanish and EU in this field, such as international treaties relating to the matter and signed by Spain. All rights reserved. In compliance with the Law of Intellectual Property is expressly prohibits the reproduction, distribution, public communication and use, of all or part of the contents of its web pages without the express consent of Plaques Plants .
Legal actions, legislation and jurisdiction
Plaques Plants also reserves the right to present civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate by the misuse of your web pages and content or for breach of these conditions. The relationship between the user and Plaques Plants will be governed by Spanish legislation and shall be competent to decide any dispute that might arise between the user and Plants Plaques, courts or tribunals of VALENCIA.